How do I reverse a string? - JAVA Interview Questions

How do I reverse a string?

Below is an example code that reverse a string. Here we use a StringBuffer.reverse() method to reverse a string. In a 1.5 version a new class called StringBuilder also has a reverse() method that do just the same, one of the difference is StringBuffer class is synchronized while StringBuilder class does not.

Beside using this simple method you can try to reverse a string by converting it to character array and then reverse the array order. So here is the string reverse in the StringBuffer way.

public class StringReverseExample
public static void main(String[] args)
// The normal sentence that is going to be reversed.
String words = "Morning of The World - The Last Paradise on Earth";

// To reverse the string we can use the reverse() method in the
// StringBuffer class. The reverse() method returns a StringBuffer so
// we need to call the toString() method to get a string object.
String reverse = new StringBuffer(words).reverse().toString();

// Print the normal string
System.out.println("Normal : " + words);
// Print the string in reversed order
System.out.println("Reverse: " + reverse);

And below is the result.

Normal : Morning of The World - The Last Paradise on Earth
Reverse: htraE no esidaraP tsaL ehT - dlroW ehT fo gninroM

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