How do I format a number? - JAVA Interview Questions

How do I format a number?

If you want to display some numbers that is formatted to a certain pattern, either in a Java Swing application or in a JSP file, you can utilize NumberFormat and DecimalFormat class to give you the format that you want. Here is a small example that will show you how to do it.

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;

public class DecimalFormatExample
public static void main(String[] args)
// We have some millons money here that we'll format its look.
double money = 100550000.75;

// By default to toString() method of the Double data type will print
// the money value using a scientific number format as it is greater
// than 10^7 (10,000,000.00). To be able to display the number without
// scientific number format we can use java.text.DecimalFormat wich
// is a sub class of java.text.NumberFormat.

// Below we create a formatter with a pattern of #0.00. The # symbol
// means any number but leading zero will not be displayed. The 0
// symbol will display the remaining digit and will display as zero
// if no digit is available.
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");

// Print the number using scientific number format.

// Print the number using our defined decimal format pattern as above.

Here is the different result of the code above.


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