Hello World example in Java - JAVA Interview Questions

Hello World example in Java

Hello World is a classic sample to start when we learn a new programming language. Below is the Java version of Hello World program, it simple enough to start.

public class HelloWorld
public static void main(String[] args)
// say hello to the world
System.out.println("Hello World!");

The code contains one class called HelloWorld, a main(String[] args) method which is the execution entry point of every Java application and a single line of code that write a Hello World string to the console. That's all, we are done!

To run the application we need to compile it first. I assume that you have your Java in your path. To compile it type

% javac HelloWorld.java

The compilation process will result a file called HelloWorld.class, this is the binary version of our program. As you can see that the file ends with .class extension because Java is everyting about class.

To run it type the command bellow, class name is written without it extension.

% java HelloWorld

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